Friday 13 February 2009

Boring, Boring!

It's boring being racist. Just imagine not wanting to interact with whole sections of society because you don't like the amount of melanin in their skin; because they don't look, dress, speak, think or eat like you. Borrrrrrrring! In my short and limited life, meeting people of different backgrounds has led to so many valuable things. Insights, thoughts and ideas seep from one human to another. To be racist is to close yourself off, to ignore a world of wonder, in exchange for a blinkered tunnel. Sadly, whilst the rest of us smile and soak ourselves in all the wonderful diversity out there, there's a section of society which does the opposite.

In Britian we have the BNP - The British National Party. They're a bit embarrasing really; like a relative you never want anyone to find out about; you know, because they smell or pick their bogies in front of everyone. One of their policies is to offer voluntary repatriation to all non-Whites. It's excellent fun trying to work out who they would want to kick-out or keep in. David Beckham is an all British poster-boy, admired around the world for his footballing prowess. But would the BNP let him remain in Britian, given he has a Jewish grandparent? You see, that's the problem. What's their definition of white? Are they going to trace-back people's ancestors and verify all those birth certificates?! Their policies aren‘t just prejudiced; they‘re flawed logically. They’re currently trying to get one of their MEP’s into the European Parliament.

It's almost guaranteed that support for the BNP will increase during the credit-crunch. Labour supporters are discussing this issue here. It's worth remembering that there's one major reason as to why Hitler managed to galvanise so much power and influence so quickly. Germany was going through one hell of a recession. You see, for some people it's nice being told that 'those lot are nicking all your jobs and homes while you get nothing'. Ahhhh...the old 'it's someone else's fault' syndrome. Works a treat if you're the kind that likes to look at what others have, instead of pulling up your sleeves and getting on with it.

A little while back I had to buy some Samosae and Sholae (triangle, fatty and fried fings with spicy, curried chick-peas) from a local sweet-shop. We had guests so thought we'd buy-in the catering. While waiting to be served, I chin-wagged with the owner about a pair of white guys who had bought £50 of all things asian and tasty. He told me: "They love the stuff more than we do". And why not? This is just one small benefit of a multi-cultural society - our taste-buds get to go on interesting adventures. I'm a very simple eater but even I end-up cooking things or combining ingredients which hail from all corners of the planet. If only people got on as well as ingredients do in the cooking-pot!

The sweet-shop owner's words got me thinking though: if the BNP did get rid of all us 'Pakis', who would cook their curries - you know, the ones that some of them like to savour whilst swigging their lager...which would have probably been brewed in India or Africa.

For the last few years, I've realised that we should feel sorry for racist people. It’s actually a bit like a mental-illness of sorts, being racist - it's de-habilitating, affects every aspect of a sufferer's life and places limits upon their potential. I mean, do racist people even think about how incoherent their beliefs actually are...

"Do you think it's right that the black puppy should kiss the blonde ferret? Answers on a postcard to: Aren't racists funny, Small-minds-ville, PO Box...." Photo-credit: Foxtongue

On a related note, it's sad what Prince Harry (another one of those British relatives I mentioned earlier) said recently. He’s obviously no BNP member; more a case of someone who put his foot in his mouth I think, but the thing is that his words have been broadcasted all over the world and therefore Britain is yet again portrayed as a place where racist attitudes are present even amongst the most popular and well-known inhabitants. I suppose having Prince Phillip as your grandpa probably doesn’t help much!

Needless to say, The Satguroo has summed-up the totality of race, of colour, of melanin so adequately as to render it completely irrelevant. For a Sikh to even contemplate being racist, prejudiced or to even stereo-type others, is so absolutely contradictory to The Satguroo's Teachings as to be hilarious - in an un-funny way of course! So let's finish with the very straight-forward words of The 10th Mehl (Satguroo's Form), Guroo Gobind Singh Jee:

dhaeharaa maseeth soee poojaa a nivaaj ouee maanas sabai eaek pai anaek ko bharamaao hai
The Temple and the Mosque are the same; there is no difference between them. Neither is there any dissimilarity between pooja [Hindu worship] and the namaaz [Muslim daily prayers]. The whole human race is the self-same but due to illusion, they appear different.
Siree Dasam Granth Sahib, Panna (Page) 47 - read the whole shabad


Atma Singh said...


Dear Readers,

Apologies for not having posted sooner. Coping with Zor Singh and Paaras Singh has been a full-time job. Lovely? - yes. Hard work? - Ohhhh yessss!

( ( ( :-)>>>

PurpleZoe said...

Thankyou for this post.

Shine on

Anonymous said...

Interesting how you bring up food in the context of racial diversity... eating is one of the most equalising acts. We all need to do it after all! So no wonder that Guru Sahib emphasised langar and pangat.

Anonymous said...

Please, please will you spell our sons name correctly- Parrus Singh.

Anonymous said...

Although racism is a mindless and ignorant activity, I think we are all guilty of it at some level whether subconsciously or consciously. I would be horrified if someone were to accuse me of being a racist, yet I am very aware of some of the thoughtless things which have come out of my mouth when my next door neighbour has cheesed me off yet again. I would hate for my children to hear the things I have said and would teach them not to be as ignorant as I often am.

Atma Singh said...

Dear Wife,

I will do my best to write Paarus instead of Paaras. As you know my brain takes time to make such basic adjustments.

( ( ( :-)>>>

Anonymous said...

Firstly, laughing out loud at the marital bicker over the spelling of Parrus Singh, well cute!

Also, Racism is as Guru Gobind Singh Nanak said clearly, an illusion. We are all the same but this illusion gets the better of us sometimes. Its also good pointing out that if a Racist doesnt find peace in this life, the next life will be even worse, therefore it is our duty to show the light and help remove these bad karmas on the soul, where possible, for a better future for us all.

Hitler was at the right place at the right time... we're in the right place at the wrong time, but with SatGuru's kirpa, we shall prevale.

_/\_ Gurfateh Pyaare Sangat Jio

Anonymous said...

Atma Singh Jee, how did a hukamnama come out on Z for Zor Singh?

Atma Singh said...


veer/bhain 'Anonymous' jee,

we got a jajja but as i do paath with z's in places (e.g. zor, azraeel, dozak etc.) we treated the letter j as interchangeable with j with a bindee underneath i.e. z.

i should say that after vichaar with gursikhs, in future, i would only choose a name beginning with z if the actual word, according to the way i do paath, should be pronounced with a z sound. in this case, it wasn't. such is hindsight!

the letter j/z appearing was significant for other personal reasons also but those are probably not directly related to your query so i won't go into that.

( ( ( :-)>>>

Anonymous said...

Z - you just wanted his name to be called out last on the (Herschel Grammar School) register so you have a few extra minutes getting him to school ;)

Btw...You know they're going to called Zorro and Paris at school don't you!? (So on that point I agree with Bhenji's choice of spelling -the closer to the original, the less the potential for confuddlement!)

Atma Singh said...


That's a good point veer jee - as you know, more time is good time for me!

I just hope Zor Singh doesn't bite the other kids when they call him Zorro - for a veggie toddler, he seems to like sinking his fangs into things 'a bit too much'...

( ( ( :-)>>>

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous names :)

Anonymous said...

first time reading your blog and agree with much of what you say. Especially the bit about repatriation. Nearly everyone, if you trace your family line back several generations, would find that we all have some mix of race making all of pretty much equal!

However we must admit that racism is not limited to white people. As an Indian myself I have observed much racism among fellow Asians...discriminating or looking down at even darker shades of brown or because of other differences. Hopefully more of us will marry outside of our colour and race and produce more mixed race children & reduce superiority of one "race" over an another.

Atma Singh said...


veer/bhain jee,

you're absolutely right - racism knows no colour.

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